Monday, November 7, 2011

Sharon Township impresses

I was quite impressed at the Sharon Township Board of Trustees meeting Nov. 3. First, agendas were printed and available for residents, a practice that has began taking place the last month or so.

Next, Interim Treasurer Brian Simons presented the board and audience members with a packet detailing the townships financial information. For the first time since I began covering Sharon Township in April, audience members had the financial information at their fingertips. They were also able to ask questions, which Simons competently answered, although he's been on the job a few months. His organization and willingness to engage residents was impressive.

Finally, mineral licensing board chair Jim Hopkins gave an extremely informational presentation on the MLB that far exceeded my expectations. He even said he would do additional research to try to establish a list of all the townships in Michigan that have MLBs, something he would have found helpful for his presentation.

The eagerness of Sharon Township officials to be more transparent to its residents is a welcome change that is not going unnoticed by the residents. It's what the residents hoped for after August's successful recall election. The obvious change is probably in part due to the board a facelift with it's two newest members, Simons, and interim trustee Peter Psarouthakis.

At the meeting, the audience applauded the efforts from both Simons and Hopkins and I'd like to do the same.

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