Thursday, January 28, 2010


That virus that took down my work computer has been DEFEATED! Huzzah! This is very good news, because it means that 1) I don't have the lug my laptop to and from work anymore, 2) I don't have to email my own work to myself over and over again, and 3) I will once again return to a regular schedule of posting to the wonderful world of blogs!

Actually if I'm going to be honest with myself, the virus didn't stop me from posting to the blogosphere. It just kept me from posting to my work-related blogosphere. I have my own blog, and frankly maybe my own burned me out. I was live blogging the Golden Globe awards... which I think amounted to about seven long posts in the span of two hours. It was CRAZY. I had a few slurps of wine while watching/typing/posting/laughing/cheering. I noticed that my spelling got worse as the event went on and I started using all caps way more... sort of like DO YOU SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING? I DO TOO AND WINE MAKES IT BETTER. That sort of thing. There's a link to the other blog on my Twitter account, but I'm not going to link it here. Mostly because I don't want you reading it unless you have to work hard to find the URL. Because that blog is personal, and it is my home beacon for eccentricity. View at your own risk.

On a more serious note, the computer thing really did make me feel guilty. I had an infection several weeks ago that one of our IT professionals fixed, but it was never quite the same after. Then the rest of the office starting dropping like flies, and two weeks later another five people were dealing with the same thing. It was one of those terrifying moments when you put the pieces together and realize you might be at the center of a terrible plot to destroy the office. Anytime anyone mentioned "virus" I would slink back to my chair quietly and discretely, hoping no one would notice my epic fail. If you're reading this, IT, you're the bomb. Don't hate me. It's not my fault. I'm much too pure to visit questionable sites. Also thanks for fixing me. That was cool of you.

I also learned that I needed to revisit computer safety and maintenance. AKA follow these fool-proof steps and maybe (JUST MAYBE!) you won't look like a fool in front of all of your colleagues. Don't click on links ever, don't download photos from noobs ever, don't download PDFs from strangers since they are probably just as poisonous as the candy that was promised to you, don't disable your pop-up blocker. Follow those safety instructions and you'll be a OK for a little while. Virus protection helps too.

Are you ready for some linkspam? Some spamming of links? I bet you are, because it's been a long time. (Also, P.S. I got the word "linkspam" from another blogger that writes hilarious musings on Twilight/Harry Potter/Life and who authored the Movies in Fifteen Minutes... read her at Occupation: Girl)

Anyway, the linkspam will have to wait because I have a work meeting in 10 minutes and it's going to take longer than that to organize my list of important linkies.

To be continued...

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