Thursday, December 17, 2009

Oh my gosh look it's the coolest girl ever!

Hi I'm Jana. I'm the new one... Daniel's replacement as copy editor as he traipses over there to Chelsea and Dexter.

I wrote a column this week to introduce myself. Head over there if you haven't read it. It will give you all the details.

Basically this is where I will share tidbits and stories and comments that I would not otherwise share with the community. This is where I will be blunt, honest, and post cute pictures of puppies just for the sake of doing so... because that's what blogs are for. I will occasionally use nerd verbiage. That means sometimes I'm going to use words used in the online gaming world (MOAR, lul, lollerskates, obv, imo, etc.), but you'll get used to them. I find they add a certain something. One day I'll post a reference guide.

I encourage you to comment if for no other reason than people rarely do so. Yet, those bloggers over there in Ann Arbor do it every day five times a day and they GET AWAY WITH IT. We can do better. I challenge you to do better.

I'll also try to post lots of community photos up here that might not necessarily make it into the paper. Hopefully then you can all DL the pics and go home happy.

On a side note, I have a weakness for surveys. Those forwarded chain mails that circulate with questions like "If you were a crayon, which color would you be?" (I would be maroon) are one of my favorite pastimes. That means that sometimes they're going to make it onto this blog. I'll spare you usually because there can be too much of a good thing, but I just wanted to warn you. Let's cherish that together as we get to know one another.

I also will share my favorite websites from time to time. My sense of humor isn't the cleanest of the pack, but I can pick a good comedic website like the best of them. I share these for no other reason than to promote being easy going and having a laugh. They're good for you, I hear.

The first one up for sharing is a nice little website called the Doghouse, which can be found at Look, I even embedded the url into the name in case you're too lazy to reopen a separate window or tab in your browser. Just click that word up there and you'll see. OH... YOU'LL SEE.

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