Monday, March 30, 2009

The future is uncertain

On Friday, as the five-0-clock hour approached, I was eagerly anticipating a weekend of relaxation and rest with my friends and girlfriend. However, those plans were quickly interupted with constant bombardment of gloom and doom news concerning the future of newspapers. Everywhere I went, friends and family kept asking me about my job and questions like, "Have you heard The Ann Arbor News" is closing? These comments, coupled by comments here locally about how the pressure is on us now to get more local news in the Enterprise, has created an interesting combination of stress and insomnia.
Yes, I am aware of what is going on in the world of journalism today. Yes, I am aware that newspapers are closing and journalists continue to lose their jobs. Is there anything I can do about it? I thought about this question as I laid awake in my bed last night, tossing and turning and trying to fall asleep.
I, as well as my collegues in Heritage Newspapers, work tirelessly to bring news to our readers as often as we can. With layoffs, more responsibilities are loaded onto the laps of editors, making our jobs tougher. What do we face in the future? My guess is as good as anyone else's.
I am certain, eventually this economic downturn will turn around and newspapers will see better days, I just hope its soon.
I will be the first to say, fear of the unkown is a scary thought. Hopefully, it won't continue to keep me up at night.

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