Sunday, May 2, 2010

Deputy Jeff Saren reminds Manchester of ordinance

Deputy Jeff Saren is a nice guy. I've spoken with him several times and so far he has seemed to maintain a decent level of interaction with village and township residents via the new WCSO email list. The latest blast on that list was about spring cleaning and staying up to code with the village ordinance. See below.

On April 30, Jeff Saren wrote: "It appears that spring is finally here, and with that comes spring cleaning. Let’s not forget the outside of our homes as well as the inside. The Village of Manchester has an ordinance in reference to Blight. Below is a section of the ordinance, so let’s keep our village clean.

The storage or accumulation of junk, trash, rubbish, or refuse of any kind, except domestic refuse stored in such a manner as not to create a nuisance for a period not to exceed 30 days. The term JUNK shall include parts of machinery or motor vehicles, unused stoves or other appliances stored in the open, remnants of wood, metal, or other material or other castoff material of any kind whether or not the same could be put to any reasonable use; (B)(1) the term JUNK VEHICLES shall include any motor vehicle which is not licensed for use upon the highways of the State of Michigan for a period in excess of 30 days and shall also include, whether so licensed or not, any motor vehicle which is inoperative for any reason for a period in excess of 30 days."

Deputy Jeff, Saren

Washtenaw County Office of the Sheriff

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