Thursday, February 4, 2010

Oh fine poetry, I shall judge yee and stuff

Hey there... happy Thursday!

This past week was flavorful. Lots and LOTS of epic things happened... including a Sundance screening, a Hulu marathon, a LOSTNESDAY, a coffee hour with a state house representative, and some really AMAZING toffee candy.

First and foremost, a week ago today I attended the Sundance Film Festival screening of 'Cyrus' in Ann Arbor. As a movie freak, this was a given. I bought those tickets about three months ago before it was EVEN COOL TO DO IT! The two writers/directors were there... and Jonah Hill came as well. We basically found out that A) he is a lot more rotund than when we saw him in Superband, B) he likes Michigan State (boooooo!) and is dating a Michigan student (is that even possible? I bet Thanksgivings are fun), and C) he has some emotional depth. It was a really funny movie, but also finished on a note that meant something... rather than follow the turns that would have brought us right back to the movie circuit we've seen a thousand times. It comes to theaters this spring most likely, but I'm not sure. Keep an eye on local listings. I brought BOYFRIEND along (he no longer has a name on this blog because my eccentricities embarrass him), and he enjoyed it very much. I made his Thursday.

The weekend was pretty hit or miss because I didn't do much... if by don't do much I mean watch Lost on from MORNING UNTIL NIGHT LITERALLY WITH ONLY BATHROOM BREAKS! It was hardcore. The final season was set to premiere on Tuesday (two days ago), and I had missed a season. So I needed to watch just that season, right? WRONG! I WATCHED ALL FIVE BACK-TO-BACK-TO-BACK-TO-BACK... and so on and so forth. It was necessary because so much goes on in every single episode that I really needed a refresher. So basically I didn't do much this past weekend and I probably gained a few pounds. Had I been fasting during that period (which makes sense since I wasn't moving my body other than my pointer finger), I'd be in pretty awesome shape. I'm a bit perturbed that Lost is now on Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays, because it sort of destroys the whole LOSTNESDAYS thing (courtesy of Miss Cleo). But oh well. The premiere was two hours long, and true to Lost form it made absolutely no sense at all and made me gasp the whole time. WHAT IS GOING ON LOST CREATORS YOU THWARTED MY THOUGHT PROCESS ONCE MORE HOW HOW HOW?

Once I finally caught up and watched the season 6 premiere, I had an awful lot of free time on my hands. I filled part of that free time with some delicious gift toffee candies from a Saline parent and assistant coach. She sent me a nice little card and box of candy to wish me well in my Manchester position. Awww.

I also filled the time by attending a Pam Byrnes meet and greet in Manchester. She's SO SHORT! How did she get so short! I'm taller than her! It was.... ok. I don't really know what to say other than she's a pretty good politician. There were definitely times that I felt like I was being coddled. On more than one occasion I felt like bundling up in a fleece blanket and sipping hot chocolate with her in the fetal position... then I realized she never answered my question and I went, "Wait a minute.. I see what you did there. You trickster." Anyone who thinks she isn't playing party politics is wrong. They all are. But anyone who thinks she doesn't understand what's going on isn't giving her enough credit. She's a smart lady and plenty of her decisions have been good ones. She just doesn't have the gumption to speak out against anyone important because she's running for a Senate seat. QED we are screwed. Our State of the state is poor, has been poor and will remain poor.

So that was my week. Today I shall judge a poetry contest at Saline High School... not because I'm particularly qualified, but because I'm the only one at the office who cares enough about poetry to have actually volunteered. I'm representing our office. Yay me. But if I see one single beret, I swear to you I'm walking out. These hipsters are going to have their hands full...

Linkspam to come this afternoon.

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